Field Made Co
Indicateurs pour objectifs et caméras
Dites adieu aux tracas liés à la recherche du bon objectif, montrez votre souci du détail avec une organisation soignée de l'équipement et aidez votre équipe à trouver le bon objectif instantanément, en rationalisant les flux de travail pour des prises de vue impeccables.

"Il y a une valeur pratique pour les étiquettes indicatrices de Field Made Co., cela ne fait pas de mal que les étiquettes soient esthétiques."

"Utile ainsi que visuellement impressionnant et professionnel."

"Field Made est venu à la rescousse, apportant un peu d'ordre et de fanfaronnade à votre kitbag avec des indicateurs élégants d'objectif et de boîtier d'appareil photo."
Let customers speak for us
from 851 reviewsField Made lens and camera body stickers get the job done (identifying which lens is which) and they do so in a simply elegant way. The design, typography and color choices make my camera cases easy to organize and make the lenses easy to find. If only they’d make Field Made lens caps for my RZ, Mamiya 645 and Canon FD systems!
I continue to be impressed with both the quality of your product and the speed and efficiency it is delivered. The packaging is also impressive. All around, this experience is a cut above what we have come to expect from on-line purchasing.
The lens cap labels are one of the most rewarding additions to my equipment management system. At a glance I know where every lens is located. Time saving and enjoyment enhancing product that delivers every time. How did I cope before Field Made labels?
Just a great useful little product and super fast delivery
I love these products. It is a must in my opinion for quickly grabbing the correct lens everytime. There communication is excellent. Thank you for a wonderful experience and killer product.
The quality is amazing and I loved the handwritten note! Can’t wait to see what else you guys put out!
Exceptional product. And superb service.
Would recommend it 100%++
Took no time and zero effort yet it looks amazing
The stickers make it much easier to grab the right lens from the bag as well as help to keep track of gear while out at events.